Management | Reception | Nursing | Medical | Dispensary |
As a patient of the Strachur Medical Practice, you have access to a modern team of health care providers and support staff. They are all trained to provide a professional and safe service. This helps us ensure that you have easy access to high quality care.
The Strachur Medical Practice is a member of the Three Lochs Medical alliance, so you will also have access to staff from the other practice in the alliance (Furnace and inveraray Medical Practice).
Robert Baunsbak Coull - Lead GP
Eleanor Earnshaw - Lead Nurse
Anne MacLachlan, Practice Manager
The Practice Manager is the key management person in any modern medical practice. She makes sure that the practice runs smoothly and efficiently. She ensures we provide good customer service, deals with any complaints, oversees the practice budget and payroll, oversees staff training, handles internal discipline, and deals with any day to day issues as they arise.
If you have any suggestions for services you would like to see in the Strachur Medical Practice, ask to speak to the Practice Manager.
If you have any suggestions for services you would like to see in the Strachur Medical Practice, ask to speak to the Practice Manager.
Irene MacLeod - Lead Receptionist
Laura Stirling - Receptionist
Laura Stirling - Receptionist
Kristeen Ducat - Receptionist
Jackie Davies - Receptionist
Jackie Davies - Receptionist
Eleanor Earnshaw - Practice Nurse
The bulk of our workload is prevention and chronic disease monitoring. Chronic diseases are diseases or conditions that last a long time.
We keep registers of patients with each of the chronic problems we deal with. You may hear us talk about the fact that you are on the 'Hypertension register' or the 'Diabetes register'.
Monitoring chronic diseases, and education patients about their disease, is carried out by our Practice Nurses. They do this by following national chronic disease prevention and management guidelines. The idea is to keep our patients as healthy as possible and avoid complications rather than treating them only when they become ill.
We practice pro-active preventative medicine. As well as picking up issues when you attend the doctor, we also recall patients on a regular basis depending on their level of illness. The nurses will contact you during the year regarding your regular monitoring.
If you wish to opt out out of screening or management, then let the nurses know and they will add you to one or more 'exemption' patient registers depending on your wishes.
Robert Baunsbak Coull - General Practitioner
M.B. Ch.B., B.Sc.(Med.Sci.), Dip. I.M.C.(R.C.S.Ed.)
Annette McCulloch - General Practitioner
B.M., D.F.F.P., D.T.M.&H., D.R.C.O.G., M.R.C.G.P.
Elizabeth MacDonald - Dispensary Technician