It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Dr. Wright. She passed away peacefully on the 28th of July in Inverclyde Hospital.
I know our patients will be as sad and upset by this as we are.
Dr Wright was a unique, intelligent and amazing woman. Dux of Inverness Academy, she qualified from Edinburgh University in 1966 and then obtained an M.Sc. by traveling to London weekly for a year. She had her own medical practice in Rothesay for 12 years and was a Medical Director based at Inverclyde for a spell. However, her lung disease meant that she had to switch to part time work: initially at Tighnabruaich and then in Strachur.
Her keen sense of social justice and her remarkable combination of intelligence and intuition made her a valuable asset to the patients in Strachur over the last few years. More than once, I recall Rosemary making an important diagnosis when the rest of us were stumped. Many of the ideas that we implemented after taking over the practice in 2006 came from Rosemary, and she wrote to the staff earlier this year that ‘The years I’ve spent in Strachur have been the happiest of my life’.
She is survived by her partner, Duncan.